Maximizing Sales Through Mother’s Day Marketing

Maximizing Sales Through Mother’s Day Marketing

Mother’s Day. When our favorite female caregivers are treated to overpriced buffets, new loofas, homemade cards, spa treatments, and if you’re lucky (nay strategic), a token of affection and appreciation from your store or ecommerce business.

In 2015, Mother’s Day sales were estimated at $21.2 billion – ranking right up there in the retail record books with December holiday shopping. With 2016 sales expected to increase, business owners can’t afford to gloss over the effects that Mother’s Day shopping has on your bottom line.

The National Retail Federation estimates that consumers will spend an average of $173 on their loved ones this year. Purchasing everything from flowers to cell phones, retailers are well positioned to take advantage of this mid-year spending spree. With the right marketing, communication, and outreach, you can entice the Mother’s Day market and boost your revenue.


3 Tips for Maximizing Your Mother’s Day Sales

Relate to Moms Everywhere

You can’t turn around without bouquets and doilies dotting Mother’s Day marketing.  But, Hallmark cards aside, you don’t need to be a florist or sell some uber warm and fuzzy product to appeal to this market. Take a look at your inventory and decide how it could interest, benefit, and/or entertain mom. That’s what you want to market around. That’s what you need to communicate. The gift-giver (your buyer) is going to want to purchase an item for mom that she’s going to love – all you need to do is to make sure they know why she’s going to love it.

Mom’s Gone Viral

You may have already received that awkward friend request, or have seen a post from back in the day when you’re wearing an unsightly trend from yesteryear indicating one thing…mom’s on social media.  But, before you lament the loss of your sounding board a safe distance from mom, know that social media can be a powerful marketing tool for Mother’s Day campaigns. From advertising to remarketing, your small business can target both the buyer and mom with appealing messages that stay at the forefront of the minds. Your markets are already online – a quick glance at an ad and one click later they’re at an ecommerce site filled with goodies for mom. You’re minutes away from a shopping cart full of Mother’s Day revenue.

Mother’s Day Sales (increase sales)

Half off. Two for one. Coupons, coupons, coupons. And those enticing little percent signs that translate into major scores for shoppers that balk at paying full price. Bargain hunters are everywhere. Your business can capitalize on a shopper’s love of a good deal with added incentives leading up to Mother’s Day. You won’t notice the slight hit to your profit margin per transaction if you’re doubling your sales from last year.  Make sure all discounts and promotions are front and center and so good they can’t possibly pass it up. Make them an offer they can’t refuse.


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