Marketing Ideas for Spring

Spring is a time for new growth and new opportunities! Retail business owners should consider ways to market their companies or products during this season. After the cold winter months when many people stay indoors, spring is the time to focus on attracting new customers and keeping your current ones loyal with strategies to boost profits. Utilize these marketing ideas to jumpstart your sales during the spring season.

Focus on the Holidays

People love holidays, and one great strategy to market your brand is to tie it to a well known event. There are a multitude of options during the spring—major holidays such as Easter, Mother’s Day and Passover, and less known ones, such as Take our Daughters and Sons to Work Day.

Just so you know—”last year, U.S. consumers spent an estimated $17.2 billion for Easter, $20.7 billion on Mother’s Day, and $13.3 billion on Father’s Day,” a source explains.

To attract clientele to your retail location, consider putting on a holiday-inspired event inside your store. If your business is family-friendly, you can advertise an Easter celebration with a bunny, an egg scavenger hunt and other child-centered activities. If your store is more adult-oriented, you can hold a more sophisticated event with music and light bites.

Let the public know about your celebration and you will attract new foot traffic from people who may never have heard about your business and gain new customers for life!

Spring Cleaning

Spring is a time to get rid of the old and focus on the new. It provides a chance to analyze your inventory of products that are not selling as well or no longer serve your brand image and hold a blow out sale.

If you advertise a sale, chances are you will boost your profits for the quarter while getting rid of overstocked items.When discounting items, create a price ending in 9, such as “$23.99” or “19,” as research has found that this strategy increases sales by 24%!

Tax Season

Another important event happening during the springtime is National Tax Day. It is estimated that about two thirds of individuals expect tax refunds during April. This is a perfect opportunity for retail business owners to encourage customers to spend that cash!

A great incentive to attract shoppers to your location is to offer a free item or discount with proof of filed taxes. Or, celebrate Tax Day by waiving taxes on purchases in your store on April 15th!

Marketing Strategies

With holidays, spring cleaning sales and tax season as three main ideas you should consider for the season, you will need to plan on actual ways to market them, which can include:

  • In-home mailers
  • Marketing emails
  • Ads in the local paper
  • Social media advertising
  • Sponsorships
  • Handing out leaflets
  • Leaving ad materials in other local businesses (cross sponsorship)

Start planning now on how to put the spring marketing ideas into motion. IOU Financial is ready to provide financial assistance to help you grow your business. Contact us today at