CRO and SEO: How to Combine Strategies for Your E-commerce Business

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) do not compete but go together. SEO, CRO, and SEM are the tailwinds of running an online eCommerce business

SEO is a tactic employed to gain more traffic to your website. It includes features like keyword research, creating engaging and relevant content, which relates to what your visitors want. CRO implies converting the leads into actual sales. It involves website design, CTAs (call-to-action), and using high-quality graphics.

Below, we have shared the best SEO and CRO strategies for running a successful eCommerce website.

How to Boost ECommerce Business With CRO and SEO

Read the 6 most powerful eCommerce marketing strategies with eCommerce SEO tips and CRO tricks to boost your sales.

1.   Create Catchy Design With Engaging Content

Each eCommerce platform must have a design that goes well with their product. Also, content is king; it must fit into the website design, which greatly contributes to increasing sales.

In short, use Google-optimized text and a user-friendly interface. Choose the relevant keywords for your descriptions and sales pitches. Top experts in the industry recommend various SEO tools for eCommerce websites. Look for the keywords that drive sales and traffic to your platform.

Lastly, do not forget the CTAs. Using the sale-oriented buttons in your website design will attract more visitors and generate more conversions. We would also recommend you hire a designer to improve the UX design of your site.

2.   Know Your Page Speed

When Google released its latest update, some experts considered Page Speed as one of the ranking factors. Well! It might be right. Google may penalize your website if it is running slow.

Optimize your web pages and improve the readability. As your content and design should be better than your competitors, your page speed matters a lot. Make sure you are one step ahead of your rivals.

Our best recommendations for testing your page speed is Google Page Speed, GTMatrix, or LightHouse — 75 or more is considered ideal by Google. Once you have diagnosed it, you will have less bounce rate and more page views.

3.   Use Social Media

According to,  “Social Media can be a great tool for promoting your brand, business, or products. It helps you find clients, get jobs, and sales pitches. Social Media for your eCommerce business is a big plus.”

Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms can be a great tool in harnessing your traffic and, eventually, enjoy more sales. Learn how to use social media channels to attract visitors to your website. SEO uses various keywords and texts related to your social media platforms to give visible signals to Google.

4.   Design Your SEO Sales Funnel

SEO specialists have one thing in common: they aim to get more visitors with the intent to purchase goods or services. If you aim at 50,000 visitors with a 2% conversion rate, it would be better than 1,000,000 visitors with a 0.5% rate.

The main goal is to get more traffic. We would here advise you to design an SEO sales funnel to ensure you do your best to attract new clientele.

The three-step process for eCommerce SEO sales funnel includes:

  • Know the Top Sales Funnel Queries: The top sales funnel will help you get many potential visitors by answering your customers’ broad-term requests.
  • Middle Sales Funnel: This part consists of creating content with a specific client in mind. Thus, you need to follow eCommerce for SEO to drive more engagement.
  • Bottom of the Funnel: Lastly, this step is crucial for your conversion rate optimization campaign. It would help if you answered everything about the products, including shipping, pricing, tax, and other relevant details.

5.   Mobile-Friendly Page

Mobile-friendly pages are the linchpin of your SEO and CRO efforts. Google’s update considers mobile-friendliness as one of the most crucial factors in ranking. Fix your site navigation for mobile and tablet devices.

Also, more than 50% of sales are made through the mobile device. While you are optimizing your page for gadgets, make sure it has a fast loading time. Use mobile-friendly images and design elements to reduce the bounce rate.

SEO for mobile alone will boost your CRO efforts as both of them complement each other. And hence, it is a cornerstone of your sales cycle. Create a customer-centric page with visible CTAs and discount buttons.

Bottom Line: Is SEO & CRO Crucial for Your eCommerce Business? 

The short answer is yes. As said above, your SEO & CRO efforts are the tailwinds of your business. eCommerce meaning has been rethought due to Google roll-out features and a more competitive market. Thus, it is vital to keep your potential customers on record. SEO works by driving organic visitors to the sales page, whereas SEO focuses on sing the targeted paid ads. In the end, CRO gives a final push to turn the leads into conversions.

We would recommend you to hire eCommerce SEO services, which are now available at an affordable price. Once you have got your loyal customers, you can make your business a goldmine.

If you have valuable eCommerce SEO tips or questions, share them with us in the comment box.

Author’s Bio

Thomas Glare is a skilled SEO specialist and copywriter who runs the PR agency with his friend and works part-time for an online magazine. He is crazy about the Book of Ra, so when he finally gets some free time to relax, he spends long hours trying his luck there.