12 Creative Marketing Ideas to Boost Your Business

A business without marketing is like a person without an identity. Without a proper strategy, the target audience cannot understand your mission, competitive advantages, and professional vision. Therefore, it’s not the issue of whether you should use marketing to boost your business, but rather how to do it most productively.

There are literally thousands of marketing mechanisms to rely on while promoting your products or services, but we want to help you out by filtering creative ideas that can make the biggest impact on your target group. Let’s see the 12 most interesting tactics.

1.   Create High-Quality Content

The basic rule of contemporary marketing is to create amazing content that draws attention and inspires potential customers to engage with your business. Although it sounds simple, it’s not that easy to make standout content in the world where people and organizations publish millions of posts daily.

This is why we recommend you to take the extra step and make a versatile content strategy. You should mix different formats to impress the target audience and combine the following features:

  • Blog posts and images
  • Videos, GIFs, and animations
  • Audio podcasts
  • Graphics, charts, and infographics

2.   Guest Blogging

Another great way to market your business comes in the form of guest blogging. What makes this tactic so powerful is the fact that it’s not pushy but rather subtle and indirect. The idea is simple – you will publish an excellent article on someone else’s blog and insert a link to your website along the way. Users who read and like your post will likely decide to visit your blog and get acquainted with your business in general.

3.   Optimize Content for Engine Searches

Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the most important marketing mechanisms because 93% of all traffic comes from Google and similar platforms. In such circumstances, you must conduct a keyword analysis for each post individually and use only the most relevant terms and phrases.

For example, check out these three SEO phrases:

They probably look the same to average users, but content creation agencies know that each keyword is different and targets a highly specific audience group. You have to be just as delicate when choosing keywords for your own posts.

4.   Answer Questions on Quora

Quora is one of the largest question-and-answer websites as it attracts millions of users from all over the globe. You can take advantage of it to promote the business using the same principle as guest blogging. The only difference is that members of Quora rate answers, so your post has to be very good to stand out from the rest of the commentators.

5.   Concentrate On the Right Social Platforms

The Internet is full of social networks that gather thousands, millions, or even billions of users. There are so many options to choose from here, but the usual suspects include Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Snapchat, and similar.

Our suggestion is not to waste the energy trying to cover each of the major social platforms. Instead, you should focus on two or three networks that can help your business to flourish. This is more than enough for most companies, so don’t try to bite off more than you can chew.

6.   Don’t Be Shy to Advertise

Digital marketing gives you a plethora of extremely precise advertising opportunities. From Google AdSense to social media advertising, you can publish sponsored content on multiple locations to raise brand awareness.

The thing we love about it is that you can target users very accurately, so the return on investments is guaranteed. You should, of course, spend most of the time thinking about organic promotion, but a few nice ads every now and then can really do a lot for your business.

7.   Organize Social Contests

Another thing you can do via social media is to organize contests. According to the report, a typical contest earns brands more than 30% of new social followers. It’s a super-engaging marketing trick because people just can’t resist free stuff. All it takes is to offer small perks and your fans will be more than willing to take part in the contest.

8.   Refresh Old Posts

As you keep publishing content week after week, you will run out of ideas sooner or later. This is why you should make use of this sneaky tactic and refresh older posts from time to time. Jake Gardner, a content marketer at the paper writing service, says this tactic doesn’t even require a lot of work: “You can simply change images, replace outdated stats with fresh data, or add some new tools to your lists. The content will look more appealing and it will probably earn you a bunch of new visitors.”

9.   Build Brand Ambassadors

Another thing you should think about is building relationships with your customers and turning them into brand ambassadors. It’s a wonderful opportunity to raise brand awareness through the power of word of mouth marketing.

The easiest way to do it is through social networks because they enable you to approach followers, ask them questions, answer their own inquiries, like, and re-share their posts. In the long-term perspective, it will help you to strengthen relationships with your fans and turn some of them into loyal brand advocates.

10.   Don’t Forget Email Marketing

Despite being the oldest channel of digital marketing, email newsletters are still a dominant tool of business promotion. Almost four billion people use email services, so make sure to exploit it to approach customers regardless of their locations.

11.   Host Events

We already mentioned that successful marketing campaigns usually combine digital and traditional features. Corporate events represent one of the most fruitful mechanisms of traditional marketing because they give you the chance to meet customers and clients face-to-face.

The benefits of organizing business events are numerous – you can talk with the prospects, sell products or services directly, boost team morale, contribute to local communities, etc. Therefore, you should always dedicate at least a small portion of the marketing budget to corporate events.

12.   Utilize Local PR

The last tip on our list is to engage locally and take advantage of public relations. Try to find local media outlets and specialized industry magazines where you can give interviews, advertise, or place business-related stories. This tactic is particularly important for companies with physical branches trying to win over more clients from the neighborhood.


Growing the business and outperforming the closest competitors is impossible without some serious marketing efforts. But it’s getting increasingly difficult to find a perfect combination of new and traditional promo mechanisms, so we decided to help you out by presenting the 12 most important and creative marketing ideas. Don’t hesitate to use these tricks – they could give your company a brand new boost!

Guest Post: About the Author

Lilian Chifley is a digital marketing expert working mainly with online writing services. Her current assignments are with https://australianwritings.net/, https://bestessayservicesreview.com/bestessays-review/ and AssignmentGeek writing service. When she’s not at work, she loves to go out for jogging or cycling, read motivational and inspirational books and spend time with her two young daughters.