10 Free Tools to Effectively Manage Your Business

When you want to run a successful business there’s a whole host of things you need to know. One of the most important things is to build a series of management protocols that allow you to stay on top of things without drowning in paperwork. There are a whole host of different tools out there, some of them demand an investment, but there are also others that won’t cost you a penny. Let’s take a look at 10 of the best free tools to see what you can add to your business.

The Wix Website Builder

If you want to build a site without paying out for all the fancy add-ons you get from many hosting platforms, this is the way to do it. Wix allows you to create responsive, mobile-friendly sites without having to enter a single line of code. Just what you want when you’re trying to get your big idea out there without spending hours learning every skill under the sun. They claim that you’ll get 100% free website hosting and design possibilities. Use Wix for free as long as you want, but if you need professional features like your own domain name or e-commerce you’ll need to opt for their premium option.

Avast Free Antivirus

Cybersecurity is a hot topic right now, and it’s heating up all the time. If you want to run a successful business then it’s absolutely vital you invest in the best anti-virus protection. Avast is one of the top choices when it comes to free antivirus software. It offers an on-demand malware scan, on-access malware scan, website rating, malicious URL blocking, phishing protection, behavior-based detection, and vulnerability scan.


If writing just isn’t your thing, don’t worry. There’s finally a program out there that can add the polish your ads and emails have been waiting for, and it is completely free. It’s a great way to ensure that everything that’s sent on behalf of your business is professional and accurate. Take the time to get to know all of the functionality it has to offer. There is an upgrade that comes with a monthly subscription fee if you want to take your proofreading to the next level. However, the basic free version does a great job on its own so it is not a necessity.

The Hemingway App

This tool follows on nicely from the last, and it does much the same thing. The USP is that it specializes in breaking up wordy but otherwise correct sentences. This is especially useful if you don’t feel like approaching half a dozen writing companies to try and find someone who can connect with your brand. The app also checks the readability of your content so you’ll know if you need to make some changes to make it more comprehensible. The best part is that you can use it for free.


Despite the rise of Zoom and FaceTime, Skype is still very much alive and well. If you want to be able to talk to suppliers, vendors, and colleagues anywhere in the world for free, this is the tool you need in your kit. It’s easy to use and intuitive, and all you need is a phone and a WiFi connection. Ideal if you want to ensure your business never has to break stride.


It’s the classic program we all grew up using, but there’s still a place for Excel in today’s business world. The program comes with the basic Microsoft Office package that pretty much everyone has so you won’t need to spend money on additional organizational tools. Use Excel to keep track of every aspect of your business and make all the information presentable and easily accessible.

Hootsuite Free

Social media is the tool that connects your business with the rest of the world, so you need to know what it’s saying about you. Hootsuite’s aptly named free version allows you to ‘hear the echo’ by seeing how your customers and followers are reacting to your content. This is a great way to extend the reach of your customer service into the social domain. It’s also a great way to humanize your business by putting a personal face to your brand.

MailChimp Forever Free

Email marketing is one of the easiest ways to take your business to the masses, and it’s great there are tools like MailChimp that are so easy to use. If you want to be able to send campaigns for free, their Forever Free package is just what you’ve been looking for. Over time you might consider the subscription version so you can launch larger campaigns, but for now, it’s more than up to the job.

Zoho Docs Management

Document management is one of the things that few of us think about when we’re launching a business, but before you know it record keeping is a daily struggle. Zoho allows you to keep everything just where you need it, making it easy to look up key supplier and customer details with the click of a button. Just what you need when you want to provide the best-in-class service you want your business to be known for. Zoho Docs is always free for teams of up to 5 users so it is perfect for small businesses.

Evernote Scannable

Last but not least, we come to one of the most intuitive and easy to use document management tools on the market today. Evernote Scannable is a free tool that allows you to instantly upload your physical copies into an easy to search online portfolio. There you can add additional annotations, file everything away, and even reference it. Perfect when you want to ensure that everything you need is ready and waiting when it’s time to get to work.


Even though many business managers are putting an emphasis on paid management tools, there are plenty of free options that can do the same job. As you can see, all of these apps, tools, and software are completely free and highly efficient. You can always switch to an upgraded version but for starters, these options are more than enough.

Guest Post: About the Author

Daniela McVicker is a blogger and a freelance writer who works closely with B2B and B2C businesses providing blog writing, copywriting and ghostwriting services. Currently, she blogs for Essayguard. When Daniela isn’t writing, she loves to travel, read romance and science fiction, and try new wines.