Small Business Blog

A Resource for Small Businesses

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Protecting Your Business and Customers From Data Breaches

September 24, 2014

With the abundance of security breaches recently, internet and data security should be at the top of your list – not only for the safety […]

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America Runs on Small Businesses (Infographic)

July 30, 2014

 We wanted to share this great infographic on what small businesses really mean to the American economy, found on Entrepreneur, created by business management software firm Sage.

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Why Online Reviews Can Make Or Break Your Business

July 30, 2014

You already know that IOU Financial uses cash flow, as well as other data, to determine the amount you will be funded. But did you know […]

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The Current State of True “Small Business” Lending

January 29, 2014

Last month, a subcommittee on Economic Growth, Tax, and Capital Access held a hearing titled, ”Where Are We Now? Examining the Post-Recession Small Business Lending […]

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Small Business Owners: Know the Repayment Terms of your Loan

November 5, 2013

For small business owners, understanding repayment terms before applying for a loan is critical. For instance, most lenders offer pre-computed interest rates, which means they […]

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Why Small Businesses are Turning to Alternative Funding Sources

August 30, 2013

According to the Small Business Administration, more than half of Americans own or work for a small business. In fact, small businesses create about two out […]

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Behind the Scenes: Technology Makes it Possible

July 30, 2013

Most often, the small business owners that come to IOU Financial for a loan have already been painfully exposed to the fact that banks are […]

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Bridging the Gap Between Banks and Online Lenders

July 5, 2013

I recently participated on a panel with several bankers during the PayNet event in Chicago, so this article in American Banker about banks needing a strategy around small business […]

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Proposed Credit Union Small Business Jobs Creation Act – Will it Help?

March 2, 2013

I read this article recently about the Credit Union Small Business Jobs Creation Act, H.R. 688, which would raise the cap on loans credit unions can […]

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Mailing Address

IOU Financial Inc.
600 TownPark Lane
Suite 100
Kennesaw, GA 30144
