Best Backdrops for Professional Headshots

Originally posted on Business. Only Practical.:

Having a professional head-shot is extremely important for anyone in business. In this day and age, it may seem easier to simply snap a picture with your smartphone and call it good, but business people always need to think about the image they are projecting and an unprofessional picture may make your customers think you are unprofessional in your business.

Whether you are using your head-shot for your company’s website, print advertisements, newsletters or to include with articles you submit to industry publications, you need to work with a professional photographer to get the best results.
One question many photographers get asked is which backdrop is the most popular and would be the best for their personal head-shot. While it might seem like an easy question at first, there is actually quite a lot that goes into the answer. When it comes to professional head-shot backgrounds, less is usually more. The last thing you want is to…

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