How to Build Up a Powerful Marketing Campaign

What does a marketing campaign have to be so that we call it powerful? Some people would say that it has to “get the job done,” e.g. – sell a product or service as well as the marketer himself anticipated. While it is true that a powerful marketing campaign paints the product in the best possible light, there is so much more to it.

A powerful marketing campaign evokes emotions. It stimulates comments, as well as etching itself into the memory of people who are targeted by it. How can you achieve all this with only one campaign? It’s a multi-step process, and you can easily master it with the following tips.

Think about what’s wrong with your existing strategy

Starting from scratch is easier said than done, so it’s always better to start with a thorough assessment of your current strategy. How long have you been implementing it? Are you satisfied?

To get the best “viewpoint,” write down ten things that are working and ten things that are not. Separating functional from non-functional elements will make each of the next moves much easier to orchestrate.

As you analyze the strategy, you will know what good things to keep and repeat and which segments are unfit for your goals. Speaking about goals – how much time do you devote to creating them?

Set realistic goals

There are no better key performance indicators (KPIs) than clearly-defined and achievable goals. Think about what you want to achieve with your marketing campaign. Do you want to set the groundwork for the launch of a new product? Do you want to increase customer loyalty? Setting goals can be easily separated into the following steps.

  1. Separate bigger goals into smaller sub-goals.
  2. Write a project brief or outsource it using writing services.
  3. Assign every single segment of a goal to the team member you believe will execute it the best.
  4. Cross off goals that you have accomplished. The mere visual representation of what you managed to do is the best motivation!

Never set a goal if you’re unsure you can achieve it. Funneling time and resources into unattainable plans will derail your marketing campaign before it even started. Be careful.

Know your audience

When building up a powerful marketing campaign, efficiency is the most important factor. This requires knowing exactly what kind of people might be interested in your products or service.

Each platform contains a unique group of individuals that just might be your next customer. By monitoring the data that you receive from previous campaigns, you can map out a detailed buyer persona.

Who is your average buyer? How old are they? Do they like videos or infographics more? There must not be any questions left unanswered if you wish to create a powerful marketing campaign. By knowing your audience, you will ensure that they will take an interest in your brand, signaling the beginning of a relationship.

You will also benefit greatly in a financial sense, as well. 77% of all email marketing ROI comes from campaigns that were previously segmented. Choosing the target and hitting it is the key.

Don’t follow trends, set them

Following trends is integral when building up a powerful marketing campaign. Knowing what’s popular and what’s not can give your campaign shape. But, do you always want to be a follower? A really powerful marketing campaign starts a trend and makes it one with the brand.

Take this GE campaign as an example. GE first invited influencers on a tour of their company, with a goal to show that their business isn’t as dull as it seems.

Soon, people caught onto the hashtag and started posting their own images. Just like that, GE started a trend. People observed what they did and started doing the same. Overall, this GE campaign resulted in:

  • 8 million views of their Instagram profile
  • 3 million outreach per each tour
  • 000+ new followers

Setting the trend doesn’t require you to change the world. Think of something new that might catch on and your campaign will be truly powerful. The best way to achieve this is by using content.

Reinforce every product and service with content

The most powerful campaigns aren’t the ones that only focus on selling. Instead, they are executed to spread awareness and focus on both short-term and long-term goals. To add identity to your marketing campaign, you have to reinforce it with content. What should you watch out for?

  • Be versatile. Don’t be afraid to switch it up. Post more than just text. Make videos, infographics, and even animations to engage your audience.
  • Think about the most common problems of your target audience. Write blog posts that relate to these problems specifically and address them in a helpful, but determined manner.
  • Don’t be afraid to outsource. Use tools such as to order custom content. Outsourcing content serves two purposes. It decreases the overall workload of your team, and it gives you an example for future reference.

Look for collaborators

Why not make your powerful marketing campaign a joint effort? The most powerful campaigns are conducted on multiple channels, which is mainly due to collaborations.

Think about all the prominent bloggers and influencers in your niche. Collaborate with them! Guest post on their website, interview them and promote them as they promote you.

When people see that you are connected within your niche, it will automatically give you marketing campaign credibility. In addition to this, sites more popular than yours will cause an influx of new potential customers. You will have traffic coming from many different sources, causing your brand to truly branch out in terms of online presence.

Be consistent with your content marketing strategy

As you create a myriad of content to help you market your brand, it’s important that you don’t stop. If you post content on a regular basis, people will start looking at your blog/website as a reliable source of information. This will lead to much higher customer retention and improve your brand’s performance across the board.

Plan in advance for different types of content and analyze everything you can. If you’re short on inspiration, you can always draw ideas from your past posts. Expand on a certain detail or even transform them completely. Turn an old blog into a new podcast or a wall of text into a fun infographic. The opportunities are endless.

Concluding thoughts

A powerful marketing campaign is all about being determined and willing to think outside the box. Remember to segment your audience, be consistent and always set new realistic goals. One bout of success will influence the future of your brand, giving you the opportunity to make even more powerful marketing campaigns.

Guest Post: About the Author 

Alexandra Reay has been working as a journalist and editor in one of the finest Melbourne publishing agencies for 3 years. She is also a professional content writer who prefers to do research on the following topics – self-improvement, technology innovations, global education development ets. Feel free to contact her at Twitter.